This is our Undiscovered Future World tour day and we had a lot to do in order to get to Epcot before 8:45 a.m. So we got up and down to business at 6:45 a.m. (We opted not to schedule a wake up call from Stitch and instead used the clock radio alarm. Two mornings in a row with Stitch screeching at you is just too much for a non-morning person.)
When I booked the tour, the Reservations Cast Member repeatedly told me that we needed to wear comfortable shoes, have an ID ready to present, and to check in for the tour no later than 8:45 a.m. I told Mom all this which meant she was all nervous that we would be late. Me on the other hand knew we were close to Epcot and wasn’t all that worried. Thankfully we were up, packed and ready to leave All Star Sports at 8:25 a.m. so no worries were necessary at all.
This is the only day we actually drove to the Parks and that was only because we were moving over to the Swan. Maybe I am a bus person after all?
Since we were at Epcot at 8:35 a.m. we parked in a lot on the left side that was within walking distance to the entrance. This took us near the kennels and darn it but I forgot to take a picture of Flat Brody. My whole plan for Flat Brody was that I was going to take his picture in front of each of the Parks’ kennels - and I totally forgot. I was really pissed at myself. Thankfully I have worked on not dwelling on my "failures" and so I didn’t dwell on it but I am still disappointed that I didn’t fulfill my plan. The worst part of being a natural born planner is that you just have to let some things go and be flexible and it is very difficult to go against my natural tendencies. (But I get another chance with Flat Brody next month - so all is not lost!!!)
Since we were near the kennel we even went through the "secret" security line - one lonely security guy standing at the gate. We approached the far left turnstile that let in the Princess Breakfast and Tour people. The line seemed really long and it had us a bit worried. But as we got closer we realized those people were just waiting for the regular Park opening and were stalking the turnstile - like at an airport gate when they start the boarding process.
We checked in with the Cast Member with the clipboard - although he had to search for our names. I always get nervous when people can’t instantly find my name on a list. Immediately my mind starts thinking of the best way to explain to the clipboard person that I am indeed on the list and it isn’t my fault that he can’t find me and to just let me in or I might have to apologize for his mistake. I think this comes from being a middle child - or maybe I really do need therapy after all.
I always love getting into places while other people have to wait. It makes me feel special - like I am a VIP. I’m not, mind you, but that is always the way it makes me feel. I guess secretly we all want to be a important and special in some fashion.
Once inside Epcot I turned around and snapped this picture of all those "non-VIP" people that had to wait until 9 a.m. to enter the gates.
Flat Brody was very excited to see Spaceship Earth again.
Look!!! Empty Epcot pictures!!!!
We made it to Epcot Guest Services and checked in for our tour. (We didn’t need an ID for either check-ins, by the way. I guess it is a case of better to be safe than sorry.) And the Cast Member looked our tour up and said "oh, there are only 2 people signed up for your tour. Janet will be out in a few minutes." I said "oh, okay" all the while thinking ‘oh my gawd they are gonna cancel our tour!!!’ But they didn’t. Actually Janet came out in her plaid Guest Relations vest and introduced herself and said it was just the two of us for a private tour. She asked if there was anything special we wanted to do since she could tailor the tour just for us. We didn’t really have any special requests but told her if we thought of any we would let her know.
Brody checking in at Epcot Guest Services
We started by Janet chatting with us about some of Epcot's history and such. Through our chat, Janet figured out that we were pretty experienced Disney visitors and she could skip over the beginner stuff and give us her advanced spiel.
Our first tour stop was at Innoventions and The House of Innoventions. It was just Mom, me, Janet and Ann, a nice Cast Member who was new on the job and new to USA - she had just moved from England to Florida. This was Ann’s first private tour and she was VERY nervous to be performing in front of Janet. (There is a certain reverence for Guest Relations Cast Members for new Cast Members - like in high school and the Guest Relations department is the cool clique. Who ever said high school doesn’t last forever lied!!!)
Ann stumbled over her words a little bit at first but quickly settled down for her scripted spiel and after a while just started chatting with us. She showed us the kitchen of the future but to tell you the truth it wasn’t very futuristic and quite impractical. Mom and I are well versed in kitchen design since we use one so we could tell that some designer - who probably doesn’t cook - thought of putting drinking glasses in a pull out cabinet on the bottom or an oven that you would never be able to bake a cake in. Since Cast Member Ann was from England she said she was amazed at how big kitchen in the US are (ugh - I get the trembles just thinking about trying to cook in a small European kitchen) and what large quantities you have to buy things at the grocery store (yes, I do need a 24 pack of toilet paper!!)
I did get to play the electronic drums in the teenage room of the future.

We then walked around to the other side of Future World and on the way we chatted with Janet and she pointed our tidbits here and there. She is fluent in American Sign Language so she is Marlee Matlin’s tour guide each time she visits the parks so we also talked about Dancing With The Stars and Marlee’s kids and husband. Janet is also Corbin Bleu’s tour guide - she said he is the nicest sweetest person but that he was going to miss the Disney Games the next week because he was in Arizona filming High School Musical 3. Since Corbin was not going to be at the Disney Games, Janet was assigned to be the tour guide for the girl who plays the friend of the girl witch in the Witches of Waverly Place - I didn’t even know there was a friend on the show. Janet seemed sort of bummed about not having one of the bigger Disney kids but you never know when one of those Disney kids will be the next big star.
Next we moved over to The Living Seas pavilion - well actually it was the Coral Reef restaurant. I had never seen the Coral Reef and it was a really beautiful restaurant. Janet told us all the facts about the aquarium and we watched the sea life. We watched a sea turtle swim over to the corner of the tank and settle in to a spot and then it closed it’s eyes and went to sleep. It was amazing!!! Definitely something you would never see in nature. Who knew that sea turtles slept?!?!
I did stump Janet with a question though. I asked how the sea turtle would nest if it couldn’t go back to the beach where it was born? Since I live on an island (and have watched discovery channel) I know a few tidbits on sea turtle egg laying and was curious. She didn’t know the answer but I am sure that she will know for her next tour. Since I still don’t know the answer I think I may stop in to ask her next month.
Next came our Soarin’ experience. As we walked in Janet mentioned the mosaic in the entrance to The Land pavilion. Don’t hold me to this as fact but I seem to recall that she said some Italian artisans created it and that each side were mirror images of each other. You will have to remember to look at it next time you pass by it - it really is beautiful. And look at the tiles up close you can see little gold tiles.
We made our way to the entrance of Soarin’ and Janet checked in and we waited for the Soarin’ Attractions Manager Joe. While we waited Janet suggested that we get some Fastpasses for Soarin’. At first I declined because I knew we had no intention of being at Epcot after the tour but she insisted, so I went along with it. Sometimes it is easier to just go along with things then to protest - know what I mean?

I know, I know - it DIS sacrilege to not use a Fastpass for Soarin’ but I am a rebel. What can I say? And if I ever get around to scrap booking I will be ready.
Joe arrived and Mom loved his watch - it was a lego watch. (This is only important because she mentions several more times how much she loved it and really wanted one. More on that later.)
Joe walked us back stage and through the back door. (There are a lot of trucks and hubbub going on behind the closed doors of Disney. Makes you appreciate how much effort it takes for everything to seem effortless.) He told us a few Soarin’ facts and then we waited for a few minutes. The next thing I knew we were getting ready to board Soarin’ - front row center!!! I felt like a movie star. It was so much fun to just all of a sudden be on the ride and in the best seats. And since we had a plaid clad guide, people were looking at us like we were famous and that they should know who we were. I felt like saying "I’m ready for my close up, Mr. DeVille."
After our brush with "fame", we moved over to the courtyard area outside the Imagination! pavilion and watched the fountains for a little while. One of them was misaligned so Janet explained how someone calibrated them regularly but that they needed a little tune up. We also "decided" that Honey I Shrunk The Audience had outlived it’s usefulness and that they should bring back Captain Eo - without Michael Jackson since he is a sometimes alleged child molester - but that it might be hard to get George Lucas to produce it again.
We then ducked into Club Cool and tried a little Beverly. The first sip is always a little startling but I’ve decided that all Beverly really needs is some vodka and a lime. (Can anyone say "flask"?)
Next installment - You know - that Tom Hanks movie!
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