As we entered the walkway under the train station there was a buzz in the air. There was music playing and the trolley with the entertainers was passing by. It was just like you would imagine the Magic Kingdom in the morning should be.
And there isn’t much better in this world than walking down Main Street U.S.A when everyone is walking in the same direction.
Flat Brody stopped to get a picture of the Castle.
Usually we stop and get a Disney Photopass picture taken but there wasn’t a Photopass photographer to be seen. Hmmmmmm.
Come to think of it our last few Photopass pictures have been so awful it wasn’t that upsetting to me. Who are they hiring for these jobs because they certainly aren’t photographers anymore? Most of them are just Cast Members with a camera. We had one picture that was so off center you totally missed me except for part of my hair.
As we walked down Main Street I could tell that Mom was still a bit groggy so I suggested we stop at the Main Street Bakery so she could get some coffee. The cinnamon smell they pipe into the street should be illegal – it makes you want to knock down small children to get to the bakery.
When we entered the bakery there was a small line but I have seen worse. Since we were almost up to the counter and we were only getting coffee I suggested that we just go directly to the coffee guy. (I guess technically he was a barrista but I don’t think pouring Nescafe qualifies as such in my book.)
Mom is a rules girl so she questioned whether skipping to the coffee guy was okay to do. I told her I thought so since there was a hold up in the line at the fruit and no one was actually waiting for coffee so it should be okay.
I don’t know what is worse – a hold up in the line at the Main Street Bakery for fruit or that we didn’t stop to get a gigantic utterly tempting cinnamon roll – and these were the biggest cinnamon rolls I have ever seen at the Main Street Bakery so it was very tempting. Next trip we are having breakfast in the MK – weight watchers or not.!!!
Coffee in hand, Mom and I walked directly to the Castle on our way to Fantasyland. We didn’t even stop to enjoy the mosaics in the Castle – which are beautiful if you have never noticed them. We were on a mission – get to Fantasyland!!! (My inner Disney Commando was still tying to make an appearance but I held fast and mostly repressed it.)
We skipped most of Fantasyland on our last trip so it was high time to enjoy some dark rides. My plan was to start on the far side of Fantasyland and work our way over to Tomorrowland. Peter Pan’s Flight here we come.
The line to board our flying ship over London and Neverland was less than 10 minutes. I guess a few other people had the same idea that I had so it wasn’t a walk on like I had hoped. Not a bad wait though. But it was too fast for Mom to drink her coffee – I guess it was very hot and she had to sip slowly. And the boarding area was approaching quickly.
What to do?!?!? There weren’t any signs saying no food and beverages allowed but I just couldn’t imagine that the CM would allow a cup of coffee on the attraction.
[Insert dramatic Indian Jones music – I am listening to DIS Radio and that is what is playing as I type.]
Quick Tonya!! Think!!! My mind was racing.
I leapt in to action and unzipped my backpack and grabbed the cup of coffee. Mom looked at me funny but I said to just go with it.
I cradled my bag in front of me with one arm while holding the coffee cup inside the bag with my other hand. The CM didn’t seem to notice so I got on the ride. And as soon as our ship lifted off to fly I handed Mom her coffee so she could sip and enjoy her Nescafe while looking at London from a flying ship on Peter Pan’s Flight.
When we got off the ride, Mom was emboldened at this point and didn’t even try to hide the cup. She just waltzed right past the Cast Member like she hadn’t a care or concern in the world. (It must have been all the caffeine in her system.)
Here is Mom with her infamous coffee cup of Nescafe.
We were on a roll so our next stop was Snow White’s Scary Adventures.
Flat Brody didn’t seem very scared but I think he might have been trembling on the inside since Snow White’s Scary Adventures is the most frightening ride in the MK.
The line to Snow White’s Scary Adventures didn’t take any time at all but it was just enough time for Mom to finish her coffee so I didn’t have to sneak it in this time. We had Happy’s mine car, which suited us perfectly. And I’m not afraid to admit, there are some very scary parts to the attraction. We heard a little boy crying in the car behind us - but come to think of it he was swinging on the railings in line so he might have deserved it. (Just kidding.)
By the time we made it to The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh it was about a 15 minute wait but considering it was not even 9 o’clock we were okay with that. Pooh is a cute ride but I would hate to wait in line for forever to see it - I always feel so awful for those parents who have to wait in line over an hour on an August afternoon to see certain rides. See it is a good thing I don’t have children.
Mom isn’t fond of twirling rides so we skipped the Mad Tea Party – although I love it. I can get her on it sometimes but I didn’t want to ruin our day by giving her vertigo this early in the trip.
One of the best parts of having an Annual Pass is how relaxed you can be when it comes to riding attractions. You know you will be back in a few months so you don’t feel any pressure to have to ride everything on one trip. It has definitely helped keep my inner Disney commando in check – which is a good thing.
Having finished our Fantasyland adventures, we make our way to Tomorrowland for a “futuristic” shootout.
Next installment – What Did You Hit?!?!
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