When I left you last we were on our way to Tomorrowland – actually to be exact we were on our way to Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin.
Mom and I discovered our love for Buzz on our first Mom and Me Trip several years ago so it is a must do on every trip. We just love shooting the laser guns and twirling around – although we totally stink at it. I think my highest score is around 240,000 and that was after the ride had stopped several times for unseen reasons. Mom is even worse than I am.
It was still early when we arrived at Buzz so the wait time was minimal – basically a walk on. This was ride # 4 at the Magic Kingdom and it is just after 9 o’clock - it is this type of thing I need to remember the next time I want to sleep late while at WDW.
Flat Brody was very excited for his first attempt at catching the evil Emperor Zurg.We got in our ride vehicle in no time flat.
As is our habit, I get in the soon to be twirling vehicle first. (This is only important in that all of the pictures Mom and I have from this ride we are always in the same positions – me on the right side of the picture and Mom on the left. And we always have the same expression on our faces – after all of the times we have ridden Buzz, we never remember to pose for the picture. We know it is coming but we get so involved with shooting the Z targets we just forget to smile. )
Have I mentioned that I love to be in control of the joy stick that twirls the Buzz cars? Well, I do. And I am sure it irritates my Mom but she has never said anything - unlike my best friend who fussed at me for twirling when she didn’t want to twirl. Tsk, tsk, tsk - bad best friend.
Now, I’ve read all of the tips on how to score big on Buzz . . . shoot the moving targets, shoot the targets furthest away, remember the targets as you leave the rooms. We never seem to do very well.
But today the planets must have been aligned and the moons must have been in retrograde because as we left the first room I looked over and Mom had a score of 999,999. She hadn’t noticed yet so as I twirled the car I said "LOOK AT YOUR SCORE!!!! What did you hit.?!?!!?!".
She had no idea what targets she had hit but it was very exciting. It was like winning the Buzz Lightyear lottery. And we saved the world is from the dastardly Zurg.
The winning score – although with the camera flash on you can’t see any score but trust me that it was 999,999.
Here is our latest Buzz picture – although this is the poor man’s version . . . a picture of the picture. We have enough of the "same" picture at home already so we didn’t feel the need to buy it again.

Next up was Astro Orbiter. Mom had never done the ride and it had been almost 20 years since I had ridden it, which makes it the perfect time to give it a whirl. I think I often avoid this ride because it is such a slow loading ride and the whole elevator thing just makes it slower. And having to sit back to front against someone has its disadvantages when it is a family member or someone you don’t want to be that intimate with. But it does provide a great view of the MK and flying around in a space rocket 4 stories above the MK is sort of thrill seekerish.
***Disclaimer*** Although now known as the Tomorrowland Transit Authority, for purposes of this Trip Report that attraction will be referred to as the People Mover. When it comes to the WEDway People Mover I am a purist and will never force myself to change the name of this ride in my head. Some things are sacred and shouldn’t be messed with and the People Mover’s name is one of those things. Just humor me.
The People Mover is one of my favorite rides and a must do on every trip. It is 10 minutes of relaxation that is well deserved when you are touring WDW. It is the solution for sensory overload. You get to sit down and put up your feet. There is a gentle breeze as you move around Tomorrowland that cools you off. And there is almost never a line. It is perfect. And I love seeing the future city model and imagine what EPCOT would have looked like had Walt Disney lived longer.
Relaxation over, we moved on to Monsters, Inc. Laugh Floor. This wasn’t a must see for us so we played the Fates Game. (The Fates Game is when you say if the wait for this is ___ minutes of less then we will go to it but if it is more than ___ minutes we’ll skip it. Basically you let the fates decide what attraction you see next.)
And as the fates would have it, the next Laugh Floor show start in about 5 minutes so we went on in.
Here is dilemma for you. When we entered the pre-show area the designated queue lines were full but the far right line was for wheelchairs but almost empty so Mom and I just sort of hung out by the wall on the right side of the bull pen area behind the designated lines. We could tell people wanted us to move into the wheelchair line because the Cast Member kept saying move forward into all the available areas but we didn’t because we knew there may be another wheelchair show up just before the show and the wheelchair door opens first for them to get to their designated seating areas. But as soon as the wheelchair door opened we got in the far right line thereby bypassing all of the people who were already in the designated lines and who got in line before us. In my head it didn’t’ really matter since it is theater seating for the show and there is no way to get ahead of someone to see the show since we all see the show at once. And although no one in the designated lines got upset that we, and the hundreds behind us who followed us, did this maneuver, I could see how it might get someone riled up. Hmmmm. Hard to know what to do? Just another dilemma about line etiquette that only an obsessed DISer would even think about.
I like the Laugh Floor show. I don’t love it but it is cute and a good way to get out of the heat and sun, especially if you were going to WDW in say July. I do like the whole comedy club seating theme with the little ledge on the bench before you like you will be served a cocktail. There were a few cute texted jokes from our audience group and the people the monsters picked on played along so everyone enjoyed the show.
What to do next? I suggested the Haunted Mansion. Mom said she didn’t care so I spoke up and said "let’s do the Haunted Mansion then" and off to Liberty Square we went.
But look who we saw when we were leaving Tomorrowland . . . Push (the talking trash can.)
And on the way to Liberty Square, Flat Brody wanted to pose with my favorite Disney canine . . . Pluto.
Next installment – You want us to sit where?!?!
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