Tuesday, April 1, 2008

50 Hours of Torture

It's official. I am dependant on the television and the internet. (I feel like I should be saying that at a 12 step program.)

I woke up on this past Saturday and my cable was not working. Since I use a cable modem, I was not only without my TV service but I was also without my internet. UGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

If you have ever had your cable go out you know that you don't get any stations. Whatever happened to antennas for your TVs? If I had had an antenna for the TV I am sure I could have at least gotten network stations. If I had known my cable was going to be out I would have saved watching my Netflix movies for Saturday instead of watching them on Friday night.

Now, I will admit that I watch a lot of TV but a good bit of the time the TV it is just background noise. So, the weekend was quiet and I felt like a boat without a rudder.

I tried to look on the bright side and thought of all the things I could get done while I was unencumbered with the ever present cable services. There was reading and cleaning and yard work and organizing and packing and who are we kidding - I wanted my TV and internet!!!!

It is amazing how you get used to certain things. I still had my computer; I just didn't have any internet. Five or so years ago that probably would not have been a problem but anymore I use the internet for just about everything, including file saving. Case in point - without TV and internet I though this would be a fine time to finally get around to perfecting my doggie cake recipes. Sounds like a good way to fill a Saturday afternoon when your cable is out, right? It would have been except the recipes I wanted to try were on the internet and I had only saved the web page in my Favorites list and never actually printed the recipes out.

I had also planned on listing a bunch of stuff on eBay this past weekend. Well, without my internet service that plan went out the window. As they say, the best laid plans . . .

Thankfully, I finally got my cable service back on Monday afternoon. (I won't tell you about my telephone conversations with the cable company. Let's just say that although I didn't swear at the cable company employees, I certainly thought a lot of swear words during our conversations.) So now I feel like a real 21st century person again. What did we ever do without cable and internet? Didn't they used to say that about electricity?

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