Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Collective Gasping Allowed

Alright, I must confess. I went out in public wearing sandals without having given myself the first pedicure of the season. I know, I know, what was I thinking?!?!?! It's like I have broken the Girly Girl Code.

Now in my own defense, my naked toes don't look all that bad. My toes are clipped and filed on a regular basis. My cuticles could have used some work but it wasn't like the bank customer service representative was looking at my toes or anything. And it was really warm outside and I had some new capri pants on and full shoes were just not going to look as good as sandals. So, I think all in all it was just a minor offense.

And isn't the Code more a set of guidelines? (That is a Pirates of the Caribbean reference for all of you unpiratelike people.)

But in order to not break the Code on any serious level, it is my goal to give myself the first pedicure of the Season this week for sure. Now, I am sure that everyone can breath a sigh of relief. :)

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