My entire family had a Mother's Day Cook-Out at my sister's house to celebrate what a wonderful mother we have. I was in charge of the salad and dessert so I thought I would make my "world famous" brownie ice cream sandwiches. What could be better than sitting by the pool and eating brownies and ice cream without any utensils?
The day before the party, I made the regular brownies for the family but tried out two different gluten free mixes for me so I wouldn't be "the only kid at the party without cake". I hate being left out. :)

It was easy enough to make. You added the normal brownie mix ingredients: egg, warm water, melted butter. And like the Betty Crocker Gluten Free cake mix you had to add vanilla - which isn't typical in regular brownie mixes.

You had to add an egg, water, and oil to the mix. There were several different versions on the back of this mix to make it fudgier or cakier or dairy free. I just went with the regular version. The brownie batter wasn't really a batter though - more like a dough that I had to spread out in the pan with a little bit of force. Normal brownie mix usually just spreads out on it's own- it was odd.
Also, this mix only made a pan of 9x9 instead of 9x13. So, it is a bit expensive.
As it turned out, I didn't get any of my brownie ice cream sandwiches at our Mother's Day Cook-Out because both brownie mixes weren't worth eating. I was "the only kid at the party without cake". In the end, this is what happened to both batches of brownies -
I haven't given up on having gluten free brownies though. At this very moment, there is a box of Betty Crocker Gluten Free Brownie Mix in my pantry just waiting to be made. Maybe the third time will be the charm. What can I say, I am an optimist. :)
I'm sorry the Brownies bombed on you. We will find some you can eat!! I will ask our Chef at our work cafeteria if she knows of any...You must have your brownies!!!!
Thanks Kelly!! I am missing my baked goods. You never realize how important wheat flour is until you try to avoid it. :)
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