Thursday, February 28, 2008

Change in the Weather

Have you ever had one of those weeks where you just can't get motivated to do anything? Well, this is one of those weeks. I am blaming it on the weather!! It went from really warm to really cold - overnight. Major changes in temperature always seem to throw me out of sync. I wish it wasn't so but alas it is. It could be I am just getting older. :) I seem to be using my age as a reason for many things these days - and I love it!! Certain things come with getting older - you get to say "back in the day" and "those kids" and "youth is wasted on the young". And you get to not really care what people think of things you wear. My friend Dona was telling me about her comfortable but "ugly" shoes that she could tell that younger co-workers didn't approve of. I simply told her that one of the benefits of getting older was being able to say "who cares!!!" Life is just too short to wear really uncomfortable shoes - unless the shoes are really fabulous high heels. Now, let me go put on some Crocs. :)

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