It's Thanksgiving Eve and I made the trek to Augusta for turkey with the family. I've been sucked (no pun intended) into the Twilight frenzy and decided to go see the 10 p.m. movie so I could have all of Thanksgiving day free to smell turducken cooking through the house. (Don't even ask about the turducken - I am going with the flow this year.)
Since I have already decided that after reading Twilight and Midnight Sun twice that maybe dating a vampire might be sort of exciting, it was time to see if Edward Cullen is really as "hot" as all the teenager girls think he is. And I have to say he is pretty darn "hot".
What can I say? I am a teenage girl at heart.
So, after the movie I decided to go to Walmart to get the last two books in the Twilight saga so I could read as I smelled the turducken cooking. (Don't even get me started about the turducken. Not sure what Mom and Dad were thinking? lol) I wasn't sure if Walmart would be open on Thanksgiving Eve but it was.
I parked in between entrances #2 and #3 of the store and went into #3.
Of course Walmart didn't have the books. Ugh!!! I need to find the next books so I can get my Edward fix!!!!
But I managed to find a few things I had to have. The only open registers were near the #2 entrance of the store.
The line was excruciatingly long - long enough for me to pretend that the very pale check-out clerk was a vampire and she was actually smelling all of our blood which is why she was taking so long. (I told you I had been sucked into the Twilight frenzy.)
Anyway, I finally pay and go to leave toward the #2 doors when I am told that #2 is closed and I would have to leave out of the #3 doors. So, I trudge past the 30 empty registers to the #3 doors.
Why in the world would a store only have registers open near the #2 doors but make you leave out of #3 doors. It makes no sense to me, at all. And I still don't have my books!!!!